Wednesday, June 17, 2009

!!!!!!Calling all blogger friends!!!!!!

As you can tell my blog has gone through some renovations!!!! I'm also trying to come up with a cute new blog title!!!! I'm not really into the normal stuff like, "Melissa's Blog or Melissa's Life" but something creative. Unfortunately I'm having a mental block right now and can't come up with a single thing. I would be very appreciative for any help.

Thanks so much everyone!!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa - I know how difficult it is to come up with a title....what about taking a line from one of your favorite songs or hymns? To me, something that stands out about you is your love of music and your happy spirit - I just thought of the Hymn " Singing I Go, along life's road" Hope that helps, a little! xoxo

Melissa said...

Thanks Becca!!!! That was a big help!!!! As you can see I ended up with a musical title...inspired by your idea!!!!


Anonymous said...

LOVE it! beautiful quote!

Melissa said...

Thanks Joel! :)

Jessica R. said...

Yep i agree good choice, it suits you very much & the background is cute too ;)

Russ aka Dreams said...

u should have asked me i would have told u 1 . like MARTIN BRODEUR RULES!
:) jk like the new look